TI Security Job Vacancies

We believe in recruiting, developing and retaining excellent knowledgeable people, who are willing to go the extra mile. We are a successful growing company based in Leeds and have vacancies that welcome enthusiastic, talented and loyal people to join our team. Offering a great working environment, career progression and ongoing training.

To view the roles, we are currently recruiting for, and to see if your skills and experience fit, please scroll down to see our vacancies. If there are no vacancies below then we are currently not recruiting. Please note for GDPR purposes your data is required to further your application and will be kept for a maximum of 6 months where then destroyed.

Please note that we do not give feedback on applications. Should you apply and not hear back from us within 4 working days please assume that your application has not been successful.

  • Credentials Constructionline Transparent background Logo
  • Credentials NSI Gold Transparent background Logo
  • Credentials Safecontractor Transparent background Logo
  • Credentials Gatesafe Logo
  • BAFE Fire Safety
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