Accurate and fast temperature detection, with audio and visual alerts. Our thermal imaging cameras create a safer working environment during COVID-19.

50 Years - Over 7,000 Businesses Helped

  • Mass Fever Screening Checking Camera
  • Individual Fever Screening
  • thermal imaging

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Designed to detect body temperatures in any environment from offices and schools to large warehouses, the cameras are the perfect solution to help businesses get back to work safely. A high temperature/fever is one of a number of coronavirus symptoms. Having the ability to detect raised temperatures in staff and visitors can help you to identify potential carriers of the virus, helping you get back to work quickly and safely.

  • Contact free detection
  • 99.7% accuracy
  • Identifies temperatures accurately and instantly
  • Advanced infrared thermal technology
  • Multiple person detection
  • Audio and visual alerts
  • Detects temperature with a face mask on


Detecting up to 30 people at once the thermal imaging camera will check multiple people’s temperatures and will sound a visual and audio alert if a fever is detected. This can be installed alongside other security products such as turnstiles and speed gates.


The thermal camera works through a screen which a person must walk up to one at a time. The persons temperature is checked before letting them pass through. If a high temperature is detected, you will receive a visual and audio alert. As option 1, these screens can be installed alongside other security products such as turnstiles and speed gates.

Thermal Imaging Camera - Features and Benefits

The thermal imaging cameras provide accurate readings of a person’s temperature, alerting you with a white light, siren and an email if a high temperature is detected. Both mass checking and individual checking options provide thermal and artificial intelligence technology that works together to give you a forehead temperature with accuracy. Our Mass checking option uses two lenses, providing two types of footage simultaneously, thermal and normal footage. This allows you to record and save as usual.

Thermal Camera Options

Placing the thermal imaging camera within your staff entrance allows you to capture temperatures as soon as someone enters the building. An audio and visual alert plus an email will inform you that a high temperature has been detected. You can then contain the person and prevent the potential spread to the rest of your staff.


Google Reviews



Thermal camera integrated with half height turnstiles
When a person with an elevated temperature walks up to the camera it triggers an alert which automatically restricts the use of a fob and the turnstile will lock prohibiting entry.






Thermal camera integrated with speed gates
When a person with an elevated temperature walks up to the speed gate their temperature will be detected and the speed gate will not open, preventing entry. This is the same advanced technology that is used at passport control.







Thermal camera integrated with door entry/access control/automatic doors
By interfacing the thermal imaging camera with existing or new access control you can provide a safer work environment. When added to any access control security systems if a high temperature is detected the entry system will not be released, restricting a user to a specific room.

Implementing these cameras alongside new or existing access control will provide a safer working environment for you and your staff by not allowing people to wander through the building without being detected first. With a 99.7% accurate and contact free detection you can help to prevent the spread and minimise any financial implications of a second wave within the workplace.




At TI Security it is our aim to help businesses create a safer working environment. Call our thermal imaging camera specialists now on 0113 281 2106 to book your free site survey or send us a message via our contact form.

  • Credentials Constructionline Transparent background Logo
  • Credentials NSI Gold Transparent background Logo
  • Credentials Safecontractor Transparent background Logo
  • Credentials Gatesafe Logo
  • BAFE Fire Safety
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    Google Rating
    Based on 172 reviews